Scholarship Opportunity

Are Scholarships Worth It?

Ever find yourself wondering if scholarships are worth the amount of time and effort you need to put into applying for them? I had the same question after finishing my first scholarship application. It took me eight hours to write the essay, fill out the application, and assemble the required documents. When I was one of three students awarded $500 it dawned on me that I made $500 for a day’s worth of work. Put another way, I made $62.50 and hour! That sure beat my work-study pay rate.

A lot of students tell me that applying for scholarships is too much trouble and takes too much time. Let me show you why this is one myth you should totally ignore. This cool infographic breaks down the numbers for you:

As you can see, the hourly wage earned by applying for scholarships has gone up to $66 an hour or $516 a day since I graduated. The real question you should ask yourself is: “Would I rather make $10 an hour, $20 an hour, or $66 an hour?”

Are scholarships worth it? You bet they are! What other job could you get that pays you $66 an hour to work from home during hours that are convenient to you?

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