Guaranteed-Scholarships Site Review

This site is also owned by The American Educational Guidance Center (see this blog post).

The very top of the page states: “The scholarships listed on this page are all ‘guaranteed.’” We find this statement misleading and the subsequent disclaimer unimpressive. No scholarship is guaranteed. You must not only meet the eligibility requirements, you must do the work necessary to complete the application, assemble the required documents, and meet the deadline.

Scroll down until you see the title “The Colleges: (listed alphabetically).” This site lists scholarships by college—starting with Albright College and going through Winthrop University. The list of scholarships doesn’t contain any links. This means you’ll need to see if the colleges you’re interested in are on this list, write down the names of the scholarships the school offers, and then check back with the college for application information.

Overall, we found this site to be of limited value. You can get this same information by simply asking the Financial Aid Office or Admissions Office about their scholarships. You can also set up a Google Alerts with the name of your school and “scholarships.”